By clicking the donate link, you will be taken to our donations portal so that you can complete your payment and be issued automatically with your tax deductible receipt.
We thank you for your generosity in making a donation to Sock it to Sarcoma!

You can make a donation via direct bank deposit. We would recommend this method of donating for larger amounts. Please contact us for further details

Please make cheques payable to Sock it to Sarcoma!

If you would like to donate by cheque, please contact our office by phoning (08) 9427 1744, or write to this address:

Sock it to Sarcoma!
PO Box 8271 Perth Business Centre

If you would like to donate by Credit Card over the phone (Mastercard or Visa only), please contact our office by phoning (08) 9427 1744

All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. Receipts for EFT donations are not issued automatically but will be sent after we have received your donation. If you would like a receipt, please make sure we have your details by completing this form or by emailing us direct on